Today we are going to show you a new gun. An inverted roller we have set up. It is in a Salvimar Metal barrel (28mm) with a Salvimar handle. We tried 2 different ones. The new metal handle and a normal one.
The size is a 85cm and we could feel it shorter than a normal Salvimar as the muzzle is a bit shorter.
In this guns there is no sense (except special situations) to use heavy shafts. So we chose a 6.5mm which will be perfect in most situations. And that is why the rubber bands are a 16mm as we are looking for fast shots, speed and easy loading but the rubber bands won´t go there. It has a dyneema which is the one that will be loaded in the shaft. This dyneema goas along the barrel to the muzzle and pass by the poles under the barrel. Going to a second pair of poles attached to the rubbers. So when we are loading the gun, pulling the dyneema, the rubber bands under the barrel are being extended. In the first load one pair of rubbers will be loaded. Then we cn load the second pair turning the gun. We could attach a third pair of rubbers if we want.
And what we have with all this mess of ropes and poles? We have a very easy loading gun. Almost no effort need to be done. Really easy. And a very powerful shot. REALLY powerful. With almost none recoil. Compared to a normal gun has much more power, longer shot, much less recoil and better accuracy. We are going to upload a new article explaining the differences between rollers, inverted rollers and normal guns.
It has rubber bands only under the barrel so it is very easy to move and fast movements. Very good in situation with rough waves, currents… where a normal roller is much heavier.
But it is not going to be all advantages. Sometimes can be a mess with all the ropes and poles. We must understand how it works to not have troubles with it. And offer less set ups than a normal roller. As it can be only loaded with one or two pairs of rubbers. Not in the different positions than a normal roller which has more anchor points for the rubbers.
The shot surprised us. It is a 85cm and we had similar range than a 95 roller. Of course can´t be compared to a normal gun or double rubber as it has longer shots and less recoil the inverted roller.
We liked it very much and it´s is our gun in most of our dives. It´s an “all round” plenty of power if you need it. But be careful, maybe too much power if you shot to rocks (unless you use only one pair of rubbers)
There are some videos available, at the end of the article you can find them.
– Easy movements. It´s a light and fast speargun.
– Power, of course. Long shots with a “short” gun.
– Almost none recoil. Better than a normal roller.
– Accuracy
– Easy loading
– Not easy set up. Lot of ropes and poles.
– The ropes will suffer and must be checked from time to time.
– The poles can scratch the barrel in some situations
– More expensive than a normal gun.
This is a gun we recommend for people who is looking power, easy loading and accuracy with very low recoil. If you are looking for long shots in good conditions with very clear waters maybe a wooden speargun is a better option. Or a roller more specific for these situations. This is designed to be a great gun for a bit of everything: ambush, waits, waves…