Firs day in Ireland in 2015



Although it´s not the first day I go spearfishing it´s the first one that I could see some fish. All this winter I didn´t see any life, even the seafood was complicated, like lethargic in cracks and holes.

In summer there is a lot of life: pollocks, wrasse, flat fish… and the blooms or jellyfish. But in winter it´s the opposite. A big dessert! My dives finished only with seafood all the winter.

Now, the spring is here. Longer days and the waters are warming up. Today was not too much. Small fish and only in specific spots.

I went to a nice place. Usually are pollock, wrasse and flat fish, in Connemara. Easy to fish. From 0m to 15-16m, rocks, channels and a lot of kelp, even now. And a lot of sand.


Usually is a good spot for medium or big pollock. There are current, sometimes strong, and pollocks are in the shelter. In the middle of the algae or behind rocks and shallows, where they can rest.

The waters are green. Are nice for fishing, but not as good for video.

I am looking for good spots.  The fish usually are in groups. Small ones are first and the big ones behind. A lot of day it´s all a dessert, only in a few points are fish. After 30 or 40 min seeing kelp and sand here they are. Young pollocks (Pollachius pollachius)


I make a few waits, but nothing, only small young and other middle size, but not big. I prefer wait for another one bigger. And if I don´t find it, I have excuse to come back tomorrow.

But there is nothing else.  So I start looking for spider crab. It´s a good spot for crabs, and after a few minutes I find one. It is a good male. So go direct to the net. Half dinner is made. I need the other one.


There are a lot of females, but small size. The tide changes and the water are cleaner. I can see between the algae. It is not dense at the moment. And there is a nice pollock, not big but I know that is the better one that I will see today. An easy shot, vertical. It is sleeping. I shoot and it doesn´t move. It is 1.8kg. The first one this season!


The buddies are going out. Water is 10-11 degrees.

While I am coming back I caught other spider crab.

But he best of all is that the season has started. Now, in the next weeks, will come the blooms, the jellyfish and dirty water, this “soup”, and the fish. Finally, summer waters, warm and clean, full of life.


Here is a small video. It is not good, but you can see how works the xtc 270 camera that I used today.

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